
Saudi Arabia ranked tenth in internet speeds and fourth in 5G speeds

Saudi Arabia ranked tenth in internet speeds and fourth in 5G speeds

In terms of internet speed, Saudi Arabia jumped from 150th to 10th place in a very short time, while in terms of five G, the fastest internet speed, it came to fourth place.

Over the past few years, Saudi Arabia has undergone a number of reforms under Vision 2030, including opening cinemas, allowing women to work in other fields, including movies, and allowing them to drive. Muharram men are also allowed to work with.

For the first time since the significant changes that have taken place in the Arab state over the past few years, a large number of women have entered the workforce for the first time, and there have been significant reforms in many of Saudi Arabia's business sectors.

While Saudi Arabia prohibits the sharing of bold content on social media sites, Saudi Arabia has surpassed many other countries, including the Arab world, by crossing a major milestone in terms of internet speed.

According to Arab News, Saudi Arabia improved its internet speed to 10th overall and 4th to 5G.

Speaking online at an event in Mecca, Saudi Arabia's Deputy Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Dr. Ahmed Al-Thaniyan, said that improving the speed of the Internet in the country means that Saudi Arabia's infrastructure is strong and that technology Considered important for their economy.

He said that in a very short span of time, Saudi Arabia has been ranked from 150th to 10th position in terms of internet speed, while the state ranks fourth globally in the speed of the latest internet technology FiveG.

The Deputy Minister for Communications and Information Technology said that FiveG and Internet technology is being used in other sectors of the country including health and benefits are being reaped from it.

According to him, 7,000 digital towers are working in Saudi Arabia to improve FiveG speeds and the ministry is working to create new jobs in the same sector.

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