
In the Chinese city of Wuhan, Corona began to raise its head again, ordering a test of the entire population

In the Chinese city of Wuhan, Corona began to raise its head again, ordering a test of the entire population

The Chinese government has announced that corona tests will be performed on the entire city's population after the re-emergence of corona cases in Wuhan.

According to Chinese state media, after the lockdown in Wuhan, cases of corona have come to light again yesterday, due to which the Chinese government has ordered the entire population of Wuhan, which has a population of 11 million, to undergo corona test.

The order was issued by the Wuhan Anti-Virus Department in a document asking authorities to submit a test plan in all areas of the city, stating that all people would be able to do so in 10 days. Corona will be ready for the test.
The Wuhan Anti-Virus Department said backward and small areas should be the first priority for the Code 19 test.

The world's first case of corona virus is believed to have been reported in the Chinese city of Wuhan, after which China sealed off the entire city, but some reports claim that about 500,000 people died before the city was sealed. Wuhan had spread all over the world.

 China has almost wiped out Wuhan and other cities from Corona after more than three months of severe lockdowns, and no new cases of the Corona virus have been reported in Wuhan since April 3, and a nationwide lockdown on April 8. Was deleted.

However, a report by the British Broadcasting Corporation yesterday revealed that the virus was re-emerging in Wuhan and there were five new cases.

According to the report, all the recent cases in Wuhan were local and none of them came from outside.

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