Antiseptic sprays can be harmful to the spread of the virus, says WHO
Monday, May 18, 2020
GENEVA: The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the ongoing spraying of antibiotics to prevent the spread of the corona virus in some countries could also endanger health.
According to the WHO, disinfectant surface cleaning may be ineffective. "Coronavirus has not been proven to be eradicated by spraying or fumigation in outdoor areas such as streets or markets," the agency said.
According to the WHO, because the disinfectant is inactivated by dust and debris.
According to the World Health Organization, roads and public places have not been identified as "reservoirs of the virus" and spraying outside can be dangerous to "human health".
WHO documents emphasize that a person with a disinfectant spray "should not be part of it under any circumstances." "It can be physically and psychologically detrimental and will not reduce local transmission," he said.
According to the WHO, spraying chlorine or other toxic chemicals on people can cause gastrointestinal complications, including eye and skin irritation. It should be noted that various methods are being adopted around the world to prevent or prevent the spread of corona virus.
In other countries, including Malaysia, antiseptic gates have been installed that spray on every passer-by. There are numerous videos on social media showing people passing through disinfectant spray gates.
In addition to the non-spread of the virus and its prevention in the African country of Madagascar an herbal drink is being heard these days, to which the WHO also reacted.
An herbal drink in Madagascar has been declared a cure for the new Novel Coronavirus disease Code 19 and is being supplied to several countries on the continent.
In response, the WHO announced that it was in contact with Madagascar regarding this herbal drink, Cod Organic (CVO).
The WHO, on the other hand, feared that the corona virus epidemic might never end and that people around the world would have to learn how to cope with the epidemic.
While the lockdown in many countries around the world continues to ease, the WHO has warned that the epidemic may never end completely.
The first case of the corona virus was reported in December last year in the Chinese city of Wuhan, and since then more than 4.2 million people worldwide have been infected with the virus, while 300,000 people have died as a result.
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